Saturday, 3 May 2008

A lazy Phnom Phen day

20/4 - Up for breakfast over the lake, which is part refuse dump, but only a small part, it is a lovely setting. The lake is about 75% covered with some vegetable and can't be very deep either, or the woman I saw in the middle is very tall. It is surrounded by houses on stilts and guesthouses. There is a nice cool breeze blowing in fromit, so I can't be arsed to move into town, but I will. I kept hearing rushing water whilst I was sat there and couldn't figure it out, but I think it may be the toilets flushing into the lake. I'll check it out. Before I could move myself, I was joined by a very strange Chinaman, Vincent. Talking to him was like reading our Mick's blog. I think he had a ganja hangover. He eventually drifted off, so I went to get my golden locks trimmed, but I think there may be a Khmer plan to have me grow my curls, as the lady told me the shears are broken. They forgot to tell the lady down the street though, so I am a slaphead again.
I had a wander around the back streets here. It didn't seem big enough to have so many. I was going to head off to the Khmer Rouge Killing field, but I have seen one and that is enough killing for me, although I have been offered trips to the firing range, where you can fire AK 47's and rocket launchers for a modest, huge, fee. I thought these firing ranges are illegal, but they are advertised in the Guest house, mind you that doesn't mean they are legal. I've also been offered about 2 stone of weed in the last 12 hours. I got asked if I had any to sell the last time I went to Glastonbury. I must look like a real dopehead.
I jumped on a moto for Central Market and got accosted by a little lady within 10 metres of getting off. She was selling hammocks. I must confess, I was more tempted than I have been with the weed so far, especially when the price went from $6 to $2. Guess what??? I bought one on the way out.WHY??? I'm buggered if I know. I was offered buggering too by a very sick moto driver who blocked my path, it is the first time I have come close to losing my cool. What is it about the big cities that attracts the sickoes???? No!!!!, it isn't me.
Central Market is very impressive. It reminds me of Grand Central Station, New York. I think it is the clock tower in the centre of all the stalls. There is a lot of designer stuff on sale, nudge nudge, wink wink.... Lots of jewellry, that is weighed before being bartered for. There is a lot of nice jade stuff in here, well, it's green, I wouldn't know the difference. This is the first time I've thought I should break the no buying rule, but don't worry, I didn't, apart from the hammock. Women buy jewellry and blokes buy hammocks. We've got it right.
It made me smile to myself as I left the market, buying the hammock. I'm easily amused. Outside the building there are lots of stalls selling fruit, plants, bric-a-brac and tourist tempting stuff, like hammocks.
I was led to believe Phnom Phen is a pain of a city, but I like the place. Perhaps it isn't in full swing after New Year, or I've become immune to the motos, tuk tuks, sex, drugs and rock and roll offers, plus it is cooler today with some cloud cover, not such a hot house.
I wandered on and sat a bit and sat a bit and wandered on. I have been out of e-range lately, so did a bit of catch up. The AC in there was a bit heavy, I was frozen when I emerged. The Sunday rush hour was starting to start and stop and start and stop, so I jumped on a moto and headed back to see the sunset over the lake. He was a crazy moto man, but fun. We stayed on the road most of the way, just using the pavements to jump queues at the lights. The pedestrians seem oblivious to us. I think the driver believed he was the biggest vehicle on the road, he definitely thought he had the right of way at all the turnings and we made it back, so he must have been right.
I got my coffee and packet of biscuits and sat by the lake. Victor,from this morning turned up. He is a strange man. He asked me again if I am a Christian and asked if I used drugs. I think he is a Chinese suicide bomber. He doesn't seem to be playing with a full deck, that is for sure. I am off to watch the football in a different bar. If Victor follows, he is just a hit man after Mackems, if this place explodes in my absence, I was right first time.
Another game Sunderland didn't deserve to lose, but I may be biased. An Irish lad joined me to watch the match. I thought he was bound to be a Sunderland fan. He is a bloody Mag and he left happy.
Another beer for me and bed, if the place is still standing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Goldilocks...:0)

Good to know you didn't take up the offer of a trip to the firing range. You could have 'blown' your cover with your skills being a trained killer. You would have been a 'dead giveaway'!
And I can't believe you have actually bought something for yourself! Put the 'hammocks' out! Or should I say the flags! How brilliant! My brother's family bought him one last year for his birthday and he loves it. I'm sure you will get a lot of enjoyment out of yours, and even moreso knowing it is authentic. By the way... did they sell any of those quaint vietnamese sun hats at the nudge-nudge; wink-wink; say no more market..? I'm sure one or two of the ladies over here would be quite partial to one of those..:0)
Vincent seems a strange little character, he sounds a bit like Walter but perhaps a little more dangerous.. (Chinese suicide bomber..he-he!)

I've been busy in the garden planting seeds and the odd tree. Alright.. supervising! But I did plant up the flower pots, as well as painting six lengths of border picket fencing AND bought the ornamental willow tree which was a laugh trying to get it and me in the taxi. The taxi driver thought the triffids had arrived when he came to meet me. Good job he had a sense of humour. And today, being a lovely british warm summer day was perfect for working in the garden. You can just picture the scene, bees humming and the second lot of hatched baby thrushes and blackbirds just out of the nest still without fully grown flight feathers fluttering around the undergrowth. I was quietly painting the fencing when I suddenly noticed a little fieldmouse running across the church wall before disappearing into one of the many little crevices, so I downed paintbrush and disappeared screaming into the house..! Only joking..ha-ha! I would have done though, had it been a flippin' tarantula. I've been having nightmare's ever since you mentioned they sell loads of them over there fried up and ready to eat ..eeeeeek!! It was easy to understand why you weren't fussed about trying one though, maybe's they could find a way of making them into sausages...!
Your stories about your experiences just get better and better.

Carol x